Thursday, November 12, 2009

Another stall, and all about writing

Jacob hates to write, we have tried literally every writing program known to mankind, he hates them all, because he hates to write. He hates the physical act of writing, he hates thinking up ideas, he hates putting the words on paper. He hates it. I battle this everyday and it drives me crazy because Will hated writing and he is awful at it and I am paying for it now. I wonder sometimes how Will can cope when he gets to college. Do you know someone who hates to write?? I think most times it is boys, they just hate having to sit still long enough to write, I mean really, they are boys, action is their middle name. Which when you think about it is odd, because some of the best writers and most published authors are men, so when did they change?? Anyway, I got a new program for Jacob. The child will use any excuse to get out of writing. Yesterday he was supposed to write the outline for a paragraph, but he found a spot where it said he would have to use another sheet of paper for the next day. Well in his little pea brain that meant he had to do no writing until today. I tried to reason with him, apparently even 11 year olds can't be reasoned with. Thinking about it their 17 year old counterparts can't be reasoned with, so why would I expect different from an 11 year old. So he didn't do any of the pre-writing for yesterday. I warned him that this would mean twice as much writing today, but he wouldn't do it, so I gave in. So we start writing today, did I mention that one of the beauties of this program is the guy writes directly to the student, unless the student is a reluctant 11 year old, who tried to write the opening sentence yesterday of his paragraph without having the subject of said paragraph!!! Umm how's that work, needless to say we erased the sentence!!! Anyway, we are just getting started, after I reread everything to him that he should have read yesterday, because he didn't understand what he was supposed to do.....the dog could have understood it!!! We start on the exercise. Two minutes into it, he announces he has to go to the bathroom. He didn't have to go to the bathroom while he was playing on the stupid video game while I was working out, but you let us start writing and well I swear it could be a cure for constipation!!! I finally put my foot down and said you can wait to go to the bathroom, I mean he held it for an hour during video time, he can hold it for another 15 minutes to write the stupid outline!!!! Seriously, writing time is worse than a root canal. One of us will probably die from this, and it may be me!!! My personal belief is the dislike of writing stems directly from the dislike of reading. I can't understand this because I love to read and be transported across time and place....but two of my kids don't like to read, and they both hate to write also. The physical act of writing is another matter, they are just lazy. I have tried reward, cajoling and finally have resorted to humiliation. I keep telling Jacob his handwriting looks like he is in the 1st grade not the 5th. It isn't that he isn't capable of writing nicely, as proven by his handwriting book, he just uses it all up there and then during his normal schoolwork it becomes chicken scrawl!!! I'm like look Jake I'm old and I have a hard time reading, can you help me out here???? Apparently the answer is no!!! Dear God help me, I'm not sure I can last another 4 years!!!

Anyway, on to the diet. I have hit another stall, this one is actually worse. It isn't that I'm not losing at all, I'm just losing extremely slowly, can you say 2/10 of a pound a day!!! It is awful, I work out, I don't eat all of the food, just the protein and I'm still only losing 2/10 of a pound a day. At this rate I will not meet my goal and that makes me sad and angry!!! Sad because I had such high hopes, angry because we are going to the Cayman Islands for Christmas and I won't get to wear a bathing suit, because I will be too self conscious!!! Oh well, I will keep plugging away and hopefully I will break into the 130's before we leave!!!


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