Thursday, May 10, 2012

My how time flies

So I guess I should change the name of this blog, since I'm no longer a homeschooler.  That's right my final child is finishing his first year of "real" school.  I'm proud to report he is doing wonderfully and completely happy.  In this time I have also had my eldest graduate from college and begin his new life as a working person at Microsoft.  I am sooooo proud of him.  My second has graduated from high school and is now officially a Junior in college and my precious daughter is graduating from high school and will begin her college life..  whoosh, major changes.

Yet no matter how much things change,  things stay the same also.  DS is home for the summer from college.  He has taken over the basement, and well much of the rest of the house.  From the time he was little he was like the tasmanian devil.  You could tell when he had left a room, by the disaster that followed....  Well he is still that way, there is disaster in every room he goes in.  He literally leaves a trail.  Which brings me to my one complaint.  I love my kids, but why when they clean up their mess do they say I cleaned up for you (meaning me).  Let's think about this.  By saying I cleaned up for you, the implication is that I made the mess.   Trust me, I have not been in our basement, except for the old school/new sewing room in months.  I try to avoid it because it freaks me out.  I do not like messes.  As a matter of fact when said son is home you may find me hiding in the one place he can't destroy, my bedroom.  But I digress.  So I have made none of the messes they clean up.  They should be saying I cleaned up for my sister, or I cleaned up for my brother, or God forbid, I cleaned up my own mess.  But no, it is always, for all of them... I cleaned up for you...drives me crazy!!  I do clean up for them.  All the time, I always have, it is the job of any mom,  oh wait we don't actually work, but thats another matter.  Yes I do clean up for them, for everyone, and that's okay it is a choice I made, but please, it is not my sole purpose in life to pick up after you for your entire life.  So no, you did not clean up for me.  You cleaned up for yourself and after yourself, because theoretically, you do not like to live in filth.