Monday, October 26, 2009

Day 3 of the Diet and a day at the zoo!!

Today, Jacob and I got to go with Katie's class to the zoo. I was the chaperone. It is actually really fun to go with them. All of the kids are really well behaved and cause no trouble. My group was evenly boys and girls!! The boys crack me up, mostly because they blithely go where the girls lead!! Guess they are being trained as husbands!! Jacob was just excited because he got to ride a school bus, a real treat for a homeschooler, not so much for me. They are loud and bumpy, I could do with out. We had a great time and hopefully Jacob learned something, like polar bears are not primates!!!

So today also marked day 3 of the diet and the real start in my estimation. Days 1 and 2 you are taking the HCG, but you are actually gorging yourself in prep for day 3. The news so far is good, I actually have had NO hunger pains at all. The bigger issue in my estimation is that I want to eat because I can't eat. I had my strawberries (6) for a morning snack, then 2 pieces of grilled chicken tenderloins and a sliced cucumber for lunch. Right now I'm eating my afternoon snack of a sliced apple. I think dinner is going to be lobster and brussel sprouts. I have been a bit lethargic, not tired lethargic, but that could be from staying up late (and dancing at parent prom) getting up early and walking all over the zoo 3 times. I fixed that with a cup of tea. I'm having another one now. I think that might be my treat to myself through all of this, cups of tea!!!

My opinion so far....great, I am definitely not hungry, not overly tired, but we will wait and see what the scale shows for the final verdict.
Good day all, talk to you soon.

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