Friday, October 23, 2009

About me

So this is my first foray into blogging. Excuse any mistakes I make. What will this blog life. I'm a homeschooler, well I only homeschool 1 child now, but I have 4 and all of them survived my attempts at education. They actually did pretty well. My oldest son is in college at Case Western in Cleveland. The next 2 go to private catholic school and the youngest... you guessed it, still homeschooled. This will be about my trials and tribulations and life in general or whatever happens to be on my mind for that day.

So what's on my mind today? The new diet I will start tomorrow. Now before I get people shouting about how awful this is, let me explain. I am 46 years old. I have NEVER had a problem with my weight, except when I was pregnant (darling daughter and I gained 200 pounds, but that is another story). When I got married I weighed 100 pounds, and I NEVER dieted, I ate what I wanted, when I wanted. About 10 years ago, we moved from overseas back home and the weight started creeping on. I fought it tooth and nail. When I reached 10 pounds over I joined weight watchers, and lost NO weight. Great, then I did nutrisystem, and lost 2 pounds, whoopee. Finally I hired a trainer and nutritionist, and I gained 5 pounds and it was not 5 pounds of muscle, the body comp proved that, so finally it got up to I needed to lose 30 pounds just to be at a reasonable weight, not my pre children 100.

But first things first, I had hormone problems, so I went to this wonderful establishment, who naturally balanced my hormones, I felt like a new me, and my husband liked me again, because I wasn't mean. Before that someone was going to die, the only question was who!!!! While there I noticed they had a weight loss regimen. Now I'm skeptical, so if you tell me you guarantee I will lose 30 pounds in 40 days, I'm not buying it. I did research, and people who used this option, did report these kinds of weight loss. Hmmmm, but there were a lot of haters also, ok, mostly people who had never tried the protocol, but still.... Then I met a lady who had done the protocol and lost 20 pounds in 2 weeks, I'm going to the Cayman's in December, I would like to put a bathing suit on and NOT embarrass my children and husband, so what the heck, I dove in head first. So tomorrow I start my VLCD (very low calorie diet 500 cals) along with HCG. Do some research yourself on HCG.

Before you get your knickers in a knot, I know that the HCG does not cause the weight loss duuuuhhhh, if you eat 500 calories you will lose weight, but you will also be STARVING and TIRED. Supposedly, the HCG mitigates this. I'll let you know. The scary part, before I start the actual 500 calories, I spend 2 days overeating, how scary is that, gain weight to lose weight??? I'll let you know how that works also!!!

Let me know what you think.... maybe I'm crazy, but if this works, maybe you should get crazy too!!.

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